Friday, June 29, 2007

Lowongan Engineering, Senior Accounting, Personnel & GA Manager

Our client, a Japan's largest general trading company in Sudirman needs qualified candidates for the following positions :

Requirements :
Male, age max. 27 years old
Min Bachelor Degree (S1) Majoring in Mechanical / Electrical / Industrial / Civil / Chemical / Petrochemical / Mining Engineering with GPA min 2.80
Fresh graduate are welcome
Must be fluent in English, written and spoken
Having PC Operating skills
Good communication and interpersonal skills
Proactive, enthusiastic and flexible

Requirements :
Female, age max. 30 years old
Min Bachelor Degree (S1) Accounting/Finance/Management with GPA min 2.80
Have 5 years experience in similar position
Must be fluent in English, written and spoken
Having PC Operating skills
Good communication and interpersonal skills

Requirements :
Male/Female, age max. 37 years old
Bachelor degree in Law/Management/Psychology
Min. 10 years in HR Field in multinational company
Must have experiences in leading a team, managerial position is a plus
Good knowledge on Manpower Regulations
Good understanding about General Affair strategic
Have strong leadership
Good communication and interpersonal skill
Hard worker and able to work under pressure
Good personality, honest, self starter, discipline
Fluent in English both written and spoken is a must
Computer Literate
Should you interest to apply for the positions, please submit your comprehensive resume and recent photograph as soon as possible to :
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LOWONGAN Job Opportunities and Vacancy : Vacancy at PT NUSATAMA PROPERTA PANBIL

We are the one of biggest Industrial Estate Developers in Batam Island specializing in Factory, Mall and Shopping Centre, Commercial and Residential ( Executive Village ) a vast network of utilities and one stop service support. In order to be able to meet the challenges at the of century professional for the position of:
1. Male or female min 28 years old, Degree in Architect with minimum 3 years experience as a Architect in Developer Architect in luxury house, factory.2. Computer literate Autocad, 3 Dimention ( 3D max ) and have skill a presentation technic3. Able to speak and good command in English4. Willing to Batam
1. Male or female min 28 - 35 years old, Degree in Mechanical or Civil Engineering with minimum 5 years experience as a QSS in contractor2. Experience in contract preparation, budgeting, variation order, final accounts, negotiation skill and computer literate Autocad, SAP / ETAB.3. Computer literate is a must and have wide contact database4. Willing to stay in Batam
Able to work under pressure and capable to work as a team player and only candidate meet above requirements will be interviewed
If you think you meet above qualification, please send your application letter in English with detailed resume, CV, recent photos, certificate, identity card, position code and indicate your expected salary to :
HRD DEPARTMENTPT NUSATAMA PROPERTA PANBILPANBIL PLAZA, commercial areaJl. A. Yani, Mukakuning Batamor send to PO BOX 3322

Expired Date : July 02, 2007
Job Location : Batam


Nomor : 166/011.3/UP/DIR/2007

Perum Perhutani membuka kesempatan bagi Sarjana dan Diploma 3 untuk bekerja sebagai calon pegawai di Perum Perhutani. Ketentuan latar belakang/strata pendidikan, persyaratan dan prosedur pengajuan lamaran adalah sebagai berikut :Sarjana :
1. Sarjana Kehutanan (SKH)
2. Sarjana Ekonomi Jurusan Akuntansi (SEA)
3. Sarjana Ekonomi Jurusan Manajemen (Pemasaran, Industri) / Studi
Pembangunan (Program Internasional) (SEP)
4. Sarjana Psikologi (SPS)
5. Sarjana Hukum (SHK)
6. Sarjana Teknik Sipil (STS)
7. Sarjana Teknik Industri (STI)
8. Sarjana Teknik Geodesi (STG)
9. Sarjana Teknik Informatika (SIF)
10. Sarjana Komunikasi (SKM)
11. Sarjana Desain Graphis (SDG)
12. Sarjana Pertanian (SSE)
13. Sarjana Pendidikan (SPK)
14. Sarjana Pariwisata/Ekowisata (SPW)
15. Sarjana Sastra Inggris (SSI)
Diploma III :
1. D3 Kehutanan (DKH)
2. D3 Kimia Analis (DKA)
3. D3 Ekonomi/Pemasaran (DEP)
4. D3 Pariwisata (DPW)
5. D3 Komputer (DKM)
6. D3 Geodesi (DGD)
7. D3 SDM (DSM)
8. D3 Sekretaris (DSK)
9. D3 Ekonomi/Akuntansi/Perpajakan (DEA)
Persyaratan :
- Umur maksimal 30 tahun (per 31 Desember 2007)
- IPK 2,50 (untuk PTN) dan 2,75 (untuk PTS)
- Biodata Pelamar disertai alamat lengkap dan nomor telepon
- Fotokopi ijazah (surat keterangan lulus) dan transkrip nilai yang telah dilegalisir
- Pas foto terbaru ukuran 4 x 6 sebanyak 2 lembar
- Surat Keterangan Catatan Kepolisian (SKCK)
- Foto copy indentitas diri (KTP/SIM atau lainnya).
Surat lamaran dikirim paling lambat 26 Juni 2007 (cap pos) dan ditulis dengan bahasa Indonesia dengan menuliskan kode pendidikan pada amplop sebelah kanan atas dan ditujukan kepada :
Direktur Umum Perum Perhutani Cq. Asisten Direktur Umum Bidang SDM Kantor Pusat Perum Perhutani PO BOX 19/Jkwb Jakarta Pusat.

Jakarta, 13 juni 2007

Direktur Umum
Sondang Gultom

Rekrutmen CPNS Serentak Bulan Agustus 2007

Ini kabar yang ditunggu-tunggu para pencari kerja. Kran rekrutmen CPNS 2007 bakal dibuka Agustus mendatang secara serentak. Hal ini ditegaskan Menteri Pendayagunaan Aparatur Negara (Menpan), Taufik Effendi. ‘’Penerimaan CPNS 2007, berlangsung Agustus ini,’’ tandasnya kepada Komentar sebelum mengikuti raker bersama Komisi II DPR RI, kemarin (29/05).
Rekrutmen ini, kata dia, tidak lagi mengikuti ujian se-cara nasional, melainkan ma-sing-masing daerah harus proaktif mendaftarkan ke pusat. Soal formasi, Taufik mengatakan, akan sangat tergantung usulan daerah.Oleh sebab itu, dia meng-imbau usulan tersebut harus jelas dan sesuai kebutuhannya.‘’Misalnya untuk tenaga juru rawat, berapa orang yang diperlukan dan untuk rumah sakit atau puskesmas mana saja? Hal itu juga disertakan tanda tangan permintaan dari dokternya (rumah sakit atau puskesmas),’’ katanya. Pusat sendiri tinggal memberikan apa yang diminta dan dibu-tuhkan daerah.
“Kita berikan, lalu daerah sendiri yang uji CPNS itu,” katanya seraya mengatakan, penerimaan CPNS 2007 yang dimulai bu-lan Agustus akan diangkat bulan Oktober. “Jadi sekarang prosesnya cepat terutama tenaga pendidik dan kese-hatan,” kata Taufik.
Menurutnya, saat ini Ke-menterian PAN dan Departe-men Keuangan sedang me-nyusun sistem penggajian na-sional. Gaji terendah pegawai negeri sipil diupayakan terus naik dari Rp 1.060 juta tahun 2006 menjadi Rp 1,2 juta pada tahun 2007. Pada tahun 2008 gaji terendah pegawai negeri sipil akan dinaikkan lagi namun dia enggan me-nyebutkan jumlahnya.
Sedangkan bagi tenaga guru honorer, Menpan menjamin re-krutmen tahun 2007 selesai. Sedangkan honorer lainnya di-harapkan tahun 2009 ram-pung. Sedangkan Deputi SDM di BKN, Pepen Effendy menam-bahkan, pembuatan soal untuk tes CPNS di daerah, melibatkan perguruan tinggi negeri setem-pat. BKN sendiri, katanya ha-nya memberikan pedoman.
Sementara bagi daerah pe-mekaran baru, Effendy men-jelaskan, akan tergantung usulan penetapan dari pen-jabat setempat. “Pemberkasan yang dilakukan BKN tergan-tung usulan daerah, jika tidak memenuhi syarat, maka tidak dikeluarkan NIP,” kuncinya.GAJI 13
Pemerintah diharapkan me-masukkan gaji ke-13 bagi Pega-wai Negeri Sipil (PNS) dalam revisi UU No 43/1999 tentang Kepegawaian. Sebab selama ini gaji ke-13 PNS baru kebijakan ad hoc pemerintah. “Kalau dimasukkan dalam UU kan lebih menjamin kepastian dan kekuatan yang tetap. Karena itu kami harap revisi UU No 43/1999 memasukkan gaji ke-13 dalam struktur gaji PNS,” imbuh anggota Komisi II DPR Ferry Mursildan Baldan, saat Rapat Kerja dengan Kemente-rian Negara Pendayagunaan Aparatur Negara, di Gedung DPR Jakarta, Selasa, (29/05).
Menurut Ferry, selama ini pemberian gaji ke-13 selalu dikaitkan dalam memperingati hari besar keagamaan. Namun sebaiknya diberikan pada pertengahan tahun, karena lebih bermanfaat untuk biaya anak sekolah. Dikatakan Ferry, saat ini pemerintah tengah merevisi UU pelayanan publik, di mana PNS harus melak-sanakan tugas publik, jika tidak masyarakat bisa mengadukan dan PNS tersebut bisa dikenai sanksi.
Namun pemerintah harus konsisten, jika PNS dituntut memenuhi kewajiban maka haknya harus dibenahi. Di tempat yang sama, Menteri Negara Pendayagunaan Apara-tur Negara, Taufik Effendi me-ngatakan, soal kenaikan atau perubahan gaji PNS masih diba-has dengan DPR. Apakah gaji ke-13 masuk dalam struktur gaji baru PNS juga belum diputuskan.
“Apakah struktur gaji PNS akan berubah pada 2008, saya belum tahu pasti. Karena masih dibahas di DPR,” elak Taufik.
Sumber : Website MENPAN

Job Opportunities and Vacancy : 2 Positions as Computer Systems Engineer

PT Jasa Teknologi Informasi IBM is IBM subsidiary which handle an IBM computers, ATM and other peripherals in Indonesia. We are seeking for highly motivated candidates to join the challenging opportunity as:
Computer Systems Engineer for AS 400
Requirements:* Must have skill in Linux, LAN, TCP/IP, network troubleshooting
* Fresh Graduate from reputable university (Bachelor Degree) majoring Electrical or Computer Engineering with GPA 3.00
* Must possess excellent interpersonal skills as well as a strong command of the English language, both verbal and written
* Male, age maximum 24 years old
Computer Systems Engineer for ATM
Requirements:* Fresh Graduate from reputable university (D3) majoring Electrical or Computer Engineering with GPA 3.00
* Must possess excellent interpersonal skills as well as a strong command of the English language, both verbal and written
* Male, age maximum 22 years old
* Candidates must be authorized to work in Manado & Batam
Those who are interested and meet the above requirements, please send your resume, recent photograph and copy of academic transcript, to:
HRD – PT Jasa Teknologi Informasi IBMLandmark Center I, 30th floor, Jl. Jend. Sudirman No. 1, Jakarta 12910
Expired Date : July 12, 2007Job Location : Jakarta, Manado, Batam

Job Opportunities and Vacancy : Vacancy PT Panin Life Tbk

PT Panin Life Tbk is one of the best 200 companies in Asia Pacific (Forbes Asia Magazine, 31 October 2005) with annual revenue around US$ 1 billion. In supporting the rapid growth of our Bancassurance Division, we offer for Senior Financial Advisors and Financial Advisors positions to be placed in our partner banks. Today, 14 % of our Financial Advisers are the MDRT Qualifier (a prestige professional membership club for successful financial planner based in America) and 60 % are in the program of CFP® certification (the highest international certification program for Personal Financial Advisor).
Personal Financial Advisor ( PFA )
* Minimum D3 with good appearance and attitude* For Senior Financial Advisor position : have good experience in customer service and selling skill in bank, insurance, property, pharmacy or other financial institution* For Financial Advisor position : fresh graduate, involve in organization / student activities and have strong communication skill* Maximum 26 years old, honest and willing to work hard* Full time availability* Fresh-Graduates are encourage to apply* Able to be placed in the Bank branches in the following cities :* Jakarta, Palembang, Yogyakarta, Bandung, Solo, Semarang, Pekanbaru, Surabaya, Bali-Denpasar, Batam, Makasar, Lampung, Menado, Banjarmasin
Panin Life Offers :
# Competitive Salary and Allowance# Attractive bonus scheme and incentive trip abroad# Education and training both domestic and overseas# Professional development program of Certified Financial Planner# Challenging working environment# Career enhancement.
Please Send your Resume - stated the place you willing to be stationed and Recent Photograph is a must by email to:
” Only short-listed candidates will be invited via e-mail/phone for Test and Interview ”
Expired Date : July 02, 2007Job Location : Bali, Jakarta Raya, Jawa Barat, Jawa Tengah, Jawa Timur, Kalimantan Barat, Lampung, Riau, Sulawesi Selatan, Sulawesi Tengah, Sumatera Selatan, Yogyakarta

Friday, June 22, 2007

Lowongan / Job Opportunities and Vacancy : Account Officer at PT Bank UOB Buana Tbk

PT Bank UOB Buana Tbk is a well established bank since 1956 which have 35 Branch offices and 169 Service outlets in 18 provinces throughout Indonesia. Our vision is to be the most reliable and trusted bank in Indonesia. To support this, we are seeking passionate, dynamic, self-motivated individuals who are driven towards performance excellence. We offer you challenges and opportunities to meet your career aspirations as :

Recruitment Officer (Code : HRS)

* Responsible to recruit the right person for the right job in the right time.
* A Psychologist* Experienced min 2 years in handling recruitment and selection process* Preferably in banking industry* Able to use and analyze psychological tools.

User System & Procedure Staff (Code : SPC-System)

* Responsible to analyze user requirements to develop new system, make and complete ARF (Application Request Form), arrange scenario for SIT (System Internal Test) and UAT (User Acceptance Test) plan, analyze the problems occurred in system.
* Have a wide networking, capable in demonstrate interpersonal and communication skills.* Demonstrate a sound analytical ability.* Degree in Information Technology* Know programming algorithm and able to make flowchart

Account Officer (Code : LCM)
* Candidate must possess at least a Bachelor’s Degree in any field.* At least 3 year(s) of working experience in the related field is required for this position.* Have at least 3 years experience as account officer in Corporate/Commercial banking.* Have a wide networking, capable in demonstrate interpersonal and communication skills.* Demonstrate a sound analytical ability.
Send your complete CV with recent colorful photograph and expected salary to :
Expired Date : July 05, 2007
Job Location : Jakarta

Lowongan : Job Opportunities and Vacancy : Customer Service and Teller PT. Bank Bumiputera Indonesia Tbk.

To spurs our continuously improvement, we are - a consumer banking company - inviting energetic, dedicated & high potential talents with the capacity to learn, to join with us for the positions:

Customer Service

Qualifications :
Male or Female, age below 25 years old
Min. D3 education level background, Banking Administration is preferable
Min. 2 years experience in similar position
English (active) and computer literate is a must
Competence in handling complaint and service excellent
Have a good selling skills
Excellent communication skills is a must
Have a good appearance
It is preferred if currently you are resident of the city of our branches i.e.: Medan, Batam, Jambi, Pekanbaru, Jakarta, Bandung, Jogyakarta, Surabaya, Semarang, Makasar, Samarinda, Balikpapan, Tarakan, Denpasar, Ubud


Qualifications :
Male or Female, age below 25 years old
Min. D3 education level background, Banking Administration is preferable
Min. 2 years experience in similar position
English and computer literate is a must
Have a good appearance and excellent communication skills is a must
It is preferred if currently you are resident of the city of our branches i.e.: Medan, Batam, Jambi, Pekanbaru, Jakarta, Bandung, Jogyakarta, Surabaya, Semarang, Makasar, Samarinda, Balikpapan, Tarakan, Denpasar, Ubud
A very competitive remuneration package commensurate with skills & experience will be offered to successful applicants. This includes loans and medical benefit.
ONLY IF you meet to our requirements list above, please send your comprehensive CV and recent photograph 14 days after this advertisement to :
Recruitment & Performance Management HeadPT. Bank Bumiputera Indonesia Tbk.Plaza Bumi Daya 3rd floorJl. Imam Bonjol No. 61 Jakarta 10310
or Email
All applicants will be treated in strict confidence. Only short listed candidates will be notified.
Expired Date : July 04, 2007Job Location : Medan, Batam, Jambi, Pekanbaru, Jakarta, Bandung, Jogyakarta, Surabaya, Semarang, Makasar, Samarinda, Balikpapan, Tarakan, Denpasar, Ubud

Job Opportunities and Vacancy : Relationship Manager Head at Citigroup (Citibank)

# Execute weekly Sales Plan/ activities (deepening and acquisition):- Priority Banking- Other channels (FC, MGM, Telesales, Inner Circle and Micro marketing)
# Daily sales coaching & performance management.
# Daily tracking & review of sales tool.# Achieve specific targets for new customer acquisitions & for revenue generation from existing customer base through effective cross selling technique.
# Recruitment and Capacity Planning (Hiring, Firing, Transferring and Warning)
# Ensure compliance and control such as AML, KYC, PF, Investment Certification and CCSA
# Requirements: Bachelor Degree from reputable University
# Have 5 – 8 year experience in effectively personal of customer focused in products# Have a good communication in English and Bahasa (oral & written)# Good understanding of maintaining customer contact and leads# Strong in negotiation and presentation skills# Strong leadership, results oriented, hard working, highly motivated and ability to work under pressure

Focus on Sales, managing people, ensure all the activity full comply with regulation and service the customer correctly# Serve as the primary relationship manager with Priority customers.# Focus on achieving personal targets for:
- Revenue- Customer upgrade to affluent Priority segment- Customer acquisition
If the above criteria suits you, please send your comprehensive resume within 10 days from today with recent photograph to:
Expired Date : July 01, 2007
Job Location : Jakarta

Job Opportunities and Vacancy : Full Time / Part Time Lecturers at Institut Teknologi Harapan Bangsa

A fast growing Christian University offers attractive career opportunities for professionals who have the drive, passion, and integrity to work and grow in an academic and intellectually challenging environment Majors in Informatics Engineering, Information Technology, Accounting, Management, Computer System, Electrical Engineering, Industrial Engineering, Visual Communication Design for:
Full Time / Part Time Lecturers – LR
Hold S2 in respective filedsWith GPA min 3.00Business experience is an advantage
Submit cover letter, resume, CV, transcript and recent photo to:
PO BOX 1306 Bandung
Expired Date : July 04, 2007
Job Location : Bandung, Jawa Barat

Job Opportunities and Vacancy : Job Opportunities at Garudafood

Garuda Group, group of companies in the field of food and beverage industry with strong brands (Garuda Peanut, Okky Jelly, Gery Biscuit), integrated consumer goods distributor (Sinar Niaga sejahtera) and plantation ( Bumi Mekar Tani).
Senior Research & Development Manager
Responsible for planning, direction and control of all research and development activities leading to new or improved product and processes, product testing, raw materials testing, product development and pure research. Work involves enhancement to existing formulations of head office or adaptation of the formulations to local conditions. Plays key role in setting up company policies and guidelines.
Min. bachelor degree Food Technology, Master degree is preferable.Min. 8 years experience in R&D Manager preferably in the food & Beverage industry/FMCG.Skilled and knowledgeable about Food Sensory & Regulation, Food Research, and Food Safety.Experience in all aspect of Laboratory Analytical Planning and Calibration (Microbiology, Chemistry and Physics) in a food & Beverage industry / FMCG.Skilled and knowledgeable about HACCP, SSOP, GMP and QC SystemFluent in both oral and writing in English.Willing to travel intensively.
Candidates should send a complete resume within two weeks after this advertisement to:recruitment@garudafood.comorRecruitment Dept.Jl. Bintaro Raya 10 ATanah Kusir Jakarta Selatan
Expired Date : July 03, 2007
Job Location : Jakarta

Work at Home

There are numerous benefits which individuals experience by working online. Perhaps one of the most highly rated benefits felt by individuals working online is that they are able to do so from the comfort of their home. This single benefit has many beneficial factors associated with it which makes it a highly desirable option for individuals who are capable of working online as their main occupation.
Work At Your Leisure
Individuals who work online from home are able to do so at their own leisure. For the most part, they are able to make their own work hours and work day schedules which fit their overall schedules best of all. They can take breaks when needed, whether it be for rest or to tend to various household tasks which need to be completed. Working online from home tends to provide individuals with an overall calmness which will in the end aid them in completing their job duties to the best of their abilities.
Great for Moms/Dads Who Are Responsible for Child Care
Another benefit of working online from home is that it allows moms and dads to earn a living in the monetary sense while being in the home for their children. Some parents wish to work outside their home and have their children go to daycare whereas others desire to both work and care for the children in one way or another. For the latter category of parents, working online from home provides them with the best of both worlds and it is why this is quite attractive for certain parents.
All Necessary Work Related Items in One Place
For those who work online from home, they are also privy to an additional benefit which is having all of their work related items in one place. These individuals do not have to worry about which items were left in the office and which ones are still at home. By working online at home, an individual knows exactly where to find their work and has easy access to such items.
Convenient Alternative to Working in an Office
If one is lucky enough to work online from home, they will find that it presents them with a convenient alternative to working in an office. Employees who work in an office each and every day are in a position where they must deal with traffic, transportation costs and other employees on a daily basis. For some this is fine, however, others prefer to work at home and avoid all of the cons which may go along with working in an office type setting.

Tuesday, June 19, 2007

Lowongan : Vacancy PT Panin Life Tbk

PT Panin Life Tbk is one of the best 200 companies in Asia Pacific (Forbes Asia Magazine, 31 October 2005) with annual revenue around US$ 1 billion. In supporting the rapid growth of our Bancassurance Division, we offer for Senior Financial Advisors and Financial Advisors positions to be placed in our partner banks. Today, 14 % of our Financial Advisers are the MDRT Qualifier (a prestige professional membership club for successful financial planner based in America) and 60 % are in the program of CFP® certification (the highest international certification program for Personal Financial Advisor).
Personal Financial Advisor ( PFA )
* Minimum D3 with good appearance and attitude* For Senior Financial Advisor position : have good experience in customer service and selling skill in bank, insurance, property, pharmacy or other financial institution* For Financial Advisor position : fresh graduate, involve in organization / student activities and have strong communication skill* Maximum 26 years old, honest and willing to work hard* Full time availability* Fresh-Graduates are encourage to apply* Able to be placed in the Bank branches in the following cities :* Jakarta, Palembang, Yogyakarta, Bandung, Solo, Semarang, Pekanbaru, Surabaya, Bali-Denpasar, Batam, Makasar, Lampung, Menado, Banjarmasin
Panin Life Offers :
# Competitive Salary and Allowance# Attractive bonus scheme and incentive trip abroad# Education and training both domestic and overseas# Professional development program of Certified Financial Planner# Challenging working environment# Career enhancement.
Please Send your Resume - stated the place you willing to be stationed and Recent Photograph is a must by email to:
” Only short-listed candidates will be invited via e-mail/phone for Test and Interview ”
Expired Date : July 02, 2007Job Location : Bali, Jakarta Raya, Jawa Barat, Jawa Tengah, Jawa Timur, Kalimantan Barat, Lampung, Riau, Sulawesi Selatan, Sulawesi Tengah, Sumatera Selatan, Yogyakarta


We are fast growing company, seeking outstanding individual to fill the following position
Qualifications :
* Male
* Bachelor Degree graduated, majoring in geology faculty
* Have 1-7 years experience on site
* Independent and self-motivated
* Willing to be located outside Jakarta
If you are interested and meet the above qualifications, please send your application letter, comprehensive resume with a recent photograph to e-mail to :
hengjaya.jakarta@gmail.comorPT. Hengjaya Sukses PratamaJl. Pejagalan I No.1 BEJakarta Barat 11240
Expired Date : June 26, 2007
Job Location : Outside Jakarta

Lowongan : Vacancy at PT Tempindo Jasatama

Our client, one of the reputable multinational company is having business in Exploration and Exploitation for oil and gas in Gresik. Currently is in urgent need to appoint good leadership and motivator candidates who are expected to mark contribution for the advance development of the company’s operation

Head Of Technical Support

* The incumbent’s activities are managing and coordinating the provision engineering, project, and technical assistance to all production operations ( on and Offshore) aiming at achieving optimum operations in the most consicious, economical and safe manner.
* Candidate must possess at least a Bachelor’s Degree in Engineering (Chemical), Engineering (Mechanical), Engineering (Electrical/Electronic), Engineering (Petroleum/Oil/Gas) or equivalent.* Required language(s): English.* At least 12 year(s) of working experience in the related field is required for this position.* Applicants must be willing to work in Gresik.* Applicants should be Indonesian citizens or hold relevant residence status.* Preferably Managers specializing in Engineering - Oil/Gas or equivalent.* Full-Time positions available.
Please send CV to: Jakarta Temp PT Tempindo Jasatama Mid Plaza II, 12th Floor Jl. Jend. Sudirman Kav. 10-11 Jakarta 10220 Fax: 021-5733791 E-mail:
Expired Date : June 25, 2007Job Location : Gresik, Jawa Timur


PT Multi Bintang Indonesia, Tbk is the leading beer and beverage company in Indonesia. It produces and/or markets a range of trademarked products, including Bir Bintang, Heineken, Guinness Stout, Green Sands, and Bintang Zero.
The company operates breweries in Sampang Agung (Mojokerto) and Tangerang, with sales and marketing offices in all the major cities throughout Indonesia.
To strengthen our team, we are now seeking for a talented and energetic person to be our:

* To maintain, control, and develop Software & Hardware of the Automation System.
* Minimum S1 Degree from Mechanical or Electrical Engineering.
* Minimum 2 years of solid experience in instrumentation.
* Good understanding of Total Productive Management (TPM), ISO 9001 & 14000, HACCP.
* Proficient in English both oral & written.
* Familiar with MS Office application.
* To be located in Tangerang Brewery.
If you meet the above requirements, please use the Quick Apply below or send your CV to:
Visit our homepage
Expired Date : July 02, 2007
Job Location : Tangerang


We are the one of biggest Industrial Estate Developers in Batam Island specializing in Factory, Mall and Shopping Centre, Commercial and Residential ( Executive Village ) a vast network of utilities and one stop service support. In order to be able to meet the challenges at the of century professional for the position of:
1. Male or female min 28 years old, Degree in Architect with minimum 3 years experience as a Architect in Developer Architect in luxury house, factory.2. Computer literate Autocad, 3 Dimention ( 3D max ) and have skill a presentation technic3. Able to speak and good command in English4. Willing to Batam

1. Male or female min 28 - 35 years old, Degree in Mechanical or Civil Engineering with minimum 5 years experience as a QSS in contractor2. Experience in contract preparation, budgeting, variation order, final accounts, negotiation skill and computer literate Autocad, SAP / ETAB.3. Computer literate is a must and have wide contact database4. Willing to stay in Batam
Able to work under pressure and capable to work as a team player and only candidate meet above requirements will be interviewed
If you think you meet above qualification, please send your application letter in English with detailed resume, CV, recent photos, certificate, identity card, position code and indicate your expected salary to :

HRD DEPARTMENTPT NUSATAMA PROPERTA PANBILPANBIL PLAZA, commercial areaJl. A. Yani, Mukakuning Batamor send to PO BOX 3322
Expired Date : July 02, 2007
Job Location : Batam


Production Control Officer
Essential Duties and Responsibilities include the following. Other duties may be assigned.
* Make Monthly Reporting for HQ and Regional Office
* Analysis of Productivity
* Set-up Production Plan
* Analysis of Manufacturing Cost
* Control the working time of Worker
* Reporting for internal purposes
* Controlling Safety awareness on Factory AreaCompetencies
To perform the essential duties and responsibilities successfully, an individual should possess the following core competencies upon selection:
* Experience over 4 years in production control part is a must
* Supervisory experience level at least 2 years and able to do administration works
* Management knowledge is preferable
* Controlling Inventory knowledge is a plus
Education and/or Experience
* At least Diploma III in Chemical Engineering
* Previous experience in international company is a merit
* Experience in working at manufacturing company is a must
Knowledge, Skills, Abilities
* The ability to communicate fluently in English is essential
* Outstanding presentation and written and verbal communication skills
* Effective computer skills in Microsoft Office suite, and e-mail/calendaring database systems, such as Lotus Notes are preferred
Specific Equipment / Tool Experience
Personal Computer
Please sent your CV and resume to email:
Expired Date : July 02, 2007
Job Location : Tangerang

Lowongan : Vacancy at PT AGRO INDOMAS

We are a well established foreign conglomerate having business interest in Plantations, Breweries, Financial Services and Leisure. PT. Agro Indomas is the Groups’ oil palm plantations in Indonesia who has a land bank in excess of 60,000 hectares of plantations and mills in Kalimantan Tengah and Kalimantan Timur. In line with our expansion plans and commitments for growth, we are now seeking to recruit high caliber and dynamic professionals for the following positions :

Field Assistant - Plantation

Requirements :
You will be responsible to assist the Estate Manager in maintaining and executing plantation activities of the estate both in mature and immature area as well as supervising workforce. The ideal candidate should have a Diploma in Agriculture with a minimum of 2 years experience as a Field Assistant.
If you got what it takes to take on the challenge, please submit your application within two weeks to :
Your application should be in English on MS Word format and outlining your career details in chronological order.
Expired Date : June 27, 2007
Job Location :Kalimantan

Lowongan Vacancy at PT SIERAD PRODUCE Tbk

We are a well-established veterinary pharmaceuticals company has immediate openings for the following position:
Associate Director (AOP)
Improve to production and quality of Breeding & HatcheryImprove to production and quality of Food Industry
R e q u i r e m e n t s :
* Female/ Male, 30 – 40 years old
* Bachelor Degree in animal husbandry or veterinary, preferably MBA
* With 5 years at the similar industry (poultry or food) or the similar position.
* Experiences in Breeding & Hatchery for Associate Director Breeding
* Experiences in food industry for Associate Director Slaughterhouse
* Willing to travel frequently.
* Based office in Bogor
If you are interested in career opportunity with us, please submit ONLY your Resume/ CV stated with Scanned Photo, GPA and Expected Salary in Ms. Word. Please send No later than 1st July 2007 and include the Job Title (Code) and include the Job Title (Code) as your Email Subject to:
recruitmentsp2007@yahoo.comorPO BOX 1440 JKS 12014
Expired Date : July 01, 2007Job Location : Bogor

Vacancy at PT Indah Kiat Pulp and Paper Tbk

We, a well-established and multinational Pulp and Paper Company located in Tangerang, is looking for competent, highly motivated, dynamic and qualified person to fill the following position:
Marketing Staff Administration (MSA)
* Fresh Graduate* Male/Female, max. 25 years old* S-1 degree from any discipline With GPA 3.00 (scale 4)* Good Communication skills in English and Mandarin will be an advantage* Excellent in using Microsoft Word, Office and Power Point
Electrical Officer (EO)
* Male, max 23 years old* D-3 degree in Electrical / Instrumentation Engineering with GPA 2,75 (scale 4)* Hard Worker, ready to work under pressure, good working attitude and having a good communication skills* Excellent in Microsoft Office (excel, word & power point ) and program PLC / DCS (Siemens / Mitsubishi / Toshiba)* 1 year experience will be an advantage* Fluency in English is a must

Production Staff (PS)
* Male, max 26 years old* S-1 degree in Mechanical / Industrial / Electrical Engineering with GPA 3,00 (scale 4)* Hard Worker, ready to work under pressure, good working attitude, strong leadership and having a good communication skills* Excellent in Microsoft Office (excel, word & power point )* Experience in manufacture procedure production is an advantage* Strong analytical and problem solving skills* Fluency in English is a must
Please send your complete resume and mark the envelope with position code on the left side of the envelope not more than 07 days from this announcement to the address bellow:
HR DepartmentPT. INDAH KIAT PULP and PAPER Tbk – Tangerang MillJl. Raya Serpong Km. 8 – 15310Or please send your application
Expired Date : June 21, 2007
Job Location : Jakarta, Tangerang

Lowongan : Teacher at Springfield International Curriculum School

We are a mid-sized school located in Semarang, offering a predominantly Singaporean-style curriculum with English as the main medium of instruction. Our school is presently looking for expatriate/Indonesian:
Primary Teachers in Science
* Candidate must possess at least a Associate Degree or Bachelor’s Degree in Science & Technology, Education/Teaching/Training or equivalent.* Required language(s): Bahasa Indonesia.* Preferred language(s): English.* Applicants must be willing to work in Semarang.* Applicants should be Indonesian, others citizens or hold relevant residence status.* Preferably Senior Staffs specializing in Education or equivalent.* Full-Time positions available.
Primary Teachers in Mathematics
* Candidate must possess at least a Associate Degree or Bachelor’s Degree in Mathematics, Education/Teaching/Training or equivalent.* Required language(s): Bahasa Indonesia.* Preferred language(s): English.* Applicants must be willing to work in Semarang.* Applicants should be Indonesian citizens or hold relevant residence status.* Preferably Senior Staffs specializing in Education or equivalent.* Full-Time positions available.
Please send complete resume not later than 26 June 2007, to:
Jl. Setiabudi No. 77Semarang - Jawa Tengah

Expired Date : June 26, 2007
Job Location : Semarang, Jawa Tengah

Thursday, June 14, 2007

Lowongan : Vacancy at PT. ALSTOM Power Energy Systems Indonesia

ALSTOM is a global leader in Power and Transport with 65.000 employees in 70 countries as one of the biggest and most comprehensive supplier of power generation equipment and services in the world. PT. ALSTOM Power Energy Systems Indonesia, being part of ALSTOM Power are now seeking highly qualified professionals who can work in team and willing to be stationed in ALSTOM Surabaya office to fill the following positions for:
Proposal Manager(Code: Proposal Manager APESI – Your Name)Key Accountabilities
Responsible for the development of complete proposals for all divisions of the company. Direct evaluation of commercial and technical aspects of the customer specifications, plan and organize internal support to satisfy those requirements, prepare costing estimates and publish high quality proposal documents for presentation to the customer by sales.
Proposal Engineer(Code: Proposal Engineer APESI – Your Name)Key Accountabilities
Accountable for completes proposal development covering commercial and technical aspects including contact throughout the bid process (pre bid, proposal and post bid). Development is prepared with limited assistance from Supervisor/Manager.
The successful candidate should has the following qualifications:
1. Bachelor degree in engineering or related field for engineer; and bachelor degree in engineering with MBA or postgraduate management courses is preferred for manager.
2. Over 3 years for engineer; and over 5 years for managers of professional experiences covering technical and commercial sides of the business, half of which should be preferably in field of sales or proposal engineering in the area of power generation, EPC company or relevant industries.
3. Able to generate bill of quantity for material, consumable and manpower based on available drawings and/or defined scope of equipment installation or repair works and subsequently produce cost estimation
4. Have a good understanding on power generation equipment; boilers, steam & gas turbine, generator, environmental products
5. Experience in sales fields or proposal engineering would be advantageous
6. Excellent in written and verbal communication skill both in Indonesia and English, computer literate
7. Understanding of terms and conditions, capable in preparing financial model and makes bid comparison/variance analysis
8. Strong communication, interpersonal and negotiation skills
9. Demonstrated accomplishment for manager.
For those who interest and meet the above requirements, please send your application, enclosing your CV (description of work experience must be stated) in English and a recent photograph at latest by June 25, 2007. Write the position code on the upper left side of the envelope, to:
Human Resources DepartmentPT. ALSTOM Power Energy Systems IndonesiaPO BOX. 1655 SB 60016Jawa Timur – Indonesia
or send email with position code on subject to:

Expired Date : June 25, 2007Job Location : Jawa Timur

Management Trainees at Johnson & Johnson

Johnson & Johnson is the world most comprehensive and broadly based manufacturer of health care products, as well as a provider of related services, for the consumer, pharmaceutical and medical devices and diagnostics markets. The more than 200 Johnson & Johnson operating companies employ approximately 115,000 men and women in 57 countries and sell products throughout the world. Our Consumer Division in Indonesia invites you to be a part of our distinguished:
Management Trainees
Requirements :- S1 and S2 Graduates with major in Business/Management, Marketing, Finance, Engineering, Human Resource, and Information Technology- Minimum GPA of 3.0 (B) in the scale of 4- S-2 Graduates in Business/Management, with minimum GPA of 3.5 in the scale of 5- For S2, 1–2 years working experience will be an advantage although not required- Fluent in English, verbal and written- Willing to be posted nationwide where J&J operates- Core Competencies- Entrepreneurial mindset, inner drive, good leadership, good teamwork, big picture Orientation with attention to detail, intellectual curiosity, sense of urgency, prudent risk taking, willingness for cross-functional exposures, result and performance driven.
J&J Management Trainee Program is an 18-month on-the-job program that consists of assignments in at least two different functions in the company which may include Sales, Marketing, Finance, Supply Chain, Human Resources, and Information Management. You will have the privilege of being mentored by senior J&J leaders and the opportunity to contribute in achieving business goals.
Candidates who meet the above requirements are invited to submit your application (cover letter, curriculum vitae, photos, and academic transcript) to: Mampang Lt.3,Jln Prapatan Raya No.1 Jakarta Selatan 12790before June 15, 2007
The J&J Management Trainee selection will start in July 2007
Expired Date : June 15, 2007Job Location : Jakarta

Lowongan Vacancy at PT Aneka Tambang, Tbk

PT Antam Tbk, internationaly-listed, leading Indonesian diversified mining and metals state owned company has an excellent opportunity for highly motivated, qualified and dedicated individuals to join Antam’s solid operations in Indonesia for the following positions:
Secretary of Director (code: SoD)
* Secretary of Director, this position will mostly manage secretarial administrations, secretarial services and travel arrangement for director’s activities on schedule, and others
* A Diploma Degree (D3) in Secretary; TOEFL score 550; have at least GPA of 3.00; 3-4 years experience in similiar position; fluent in English and any in international languages (preferable Japanese or Chinese); maximum 30 years old* Computer literate: Ms. Word, Excel, Power Point, etc* Communication & interpersonal skills* Highly customer service orientation* Good personalities* Self confidence* High motivation* Able to work effectively and under pressure* High integrity and loyalty* Range salary: Rp. 3.000.000 - Rp. 3.500.000
Please send your complete application (cover letter, curriculum vitae, hand phone/phone number, certificate, etc) and put the position code on the top left corner of the envelope to:
Senior Manager, Human ResourcesHead Office of PT ANTAM TbkJl TB. Simatupang No. 1, Tanjung Barat Jakarta 12530

Expired Date : June 26, 2007Job Location : Jakarta

Monday, June 11, 2007

Lowongan PT Surya Citra Televisi

JOB: Entry Level
Job Function:Journalism/Writing
Company:PT SCTV
Work Location:Jakarta
Offering Salary:Not specified
Level of Education:Bachelor's Degree
Work Experience:Not required
Closing Date:30 June 2007

Requirements:Mempunyai Minat Besar dalam Dunia Jurnalistik & BroadcastWawasan dan Pengetahuan Umum yang memadai.Penguasaan Bahasa Inggris (Lisan maupun Tulisan)Memiliki Sense Of News & Camera FaceLebih disukai berdomisili di Jakarta dan sekitarnya

Job Title:Supervisor
Job Function:IT/MIS, Programmer
Company:PT SCTV
Work Location:Jakarta
Offering Salary:Not specified
Level of Education:Bachelor's Degree
Work Experience:At least 3 years
Closing Date:25 June 2007

Requirements:- Pengalaman menggunakan Microsoft Visual Basic, VB Controls, Crystal Reports.- Pengalaman menggunakan Power Builder.- Pengalaman menggunakan Datbase My SQL, Oracle 8i, 9i, 10g, Oracle PL/SQL.- Pengalaman menganalisa seluruh informasi-informasi yang diperlukan oleh user.- Mengadakan sebuah MIS yang bermanfaat yang disajikan dengan menarik baik secara in house dengan bantuan bagian Application System Development maupun outsourcing.- Pengalaman mengimplementasikan MIS dengan baik.

Job Title:Entry Level
Job Function:MIS, Administrator
Company:PT SCTV
Work Location:Jakarta
Offering Salary:Not specified
Level of Education:Bachelor's Degree
Work Experience:At least 2 years
Closing Date:25 June 2007

Requirements:- Pengalaman menggunakan Windows 2000 Srv dengan Domain Control Active Directory (Server/Client) dengan security dan aturannya.- Pengalaman menggunakan LINUX dan UNIX.- Kemampuan untuk konfigurasi, design system dan jaringan dan implementasi.- Pengalaman menggunakan HUB/Switches/ Routers/ Cables.- Pengalaman menggunakan LAN Remote Utility Manager.- Biasa menggunakan PABX serta setting dan instalasi program.- Mengerti stting SMTP, POP3, TCP/IP, DHCP, DNS, FTP.- Mengerti optimasi dari Server/ LAN.- Pengalaman menggunakan Microsoft Exchange Server dan ISA Server.

Job Title:Senior Staff
Job Function:Engineering, Hardware
Company:PT SCTV
Work Location:Jakarta
Offering Salary:Not specified
Level of Education:Bachelor's Degree
Work Experience:At least 1 year
Closing Date:22 June 2007

Job Title:Senior Staff
Job Function:Public Relations
Company:PT SCTV
Work Location:Jakarta
Offering Salary:Not specified
Level of Education:Bachelor's Degree
Work Experience:At least 1 year
Closing Date:19 June 2007

Requirements:Ketrampilan Komputer, Bahasa Inggris, Bekerja dalam tim, Kreatif


Company Description
PT. Global Informasi Bermutu (GTV) was established in March 22nd, 1999. Since it first aired in October 8th 2001, GLOBAL TV has quickly positioned itself as the youngest, private, national coverage TV station in Indonesia targeted for young audience. In 2006, GLOBAL TV launched its new vision in becoming to concentrate on serving the young family from all social segments. The division of air time will be 8 hours of NICKELODEON programs, 8 hours of MTV programs and 8 hours of GLOBAL TV programs. Global TV is indirectly own by PT. Bimantara through PT. Media Nusantara Citra (MNC). More info about GTV please see our website at
Post Date: 16 May 07
As :
VTR Operator
Switcher Operator
CG Operator
Program Director
Floor Director
Max.26 years old
Min. 2 year experience in the same field
Communicative and able to work as a team player
Pleasant personality and available to work in flexible time (shift)
Send your application by E-mail

M2b World Asia Pacific Pte Ltd

Company Description

M2B World Asia Pacific Pte. Ltd., a Company of Amaru Inc. USA, is one of the biggest players in the Broadband entertainment business. The company is a leading provider of interactive video-on-demand streaming and e-commerce over Broadband channels, Internet portals and 3G devices. Inline with our current expansion, we are seeking a dynamic and driven individual to join us as Video Editor (Based in Jakarta)
Video Editor (Based in Jakarta)
Post Date: 06 Jun 07
Job Description:
Responsible for assembling all raw materials (footages, sound, graphics) and tweaking the content to ensure smooth running of the videos.
Selection of effective and interesting frame of videos for trailers.
This is a key role of post-production process that determines the final quality and perfecting the output.Qualification:
Fresh Graduate with Diploma (Multimedia/ Media Arts/ New Media) may apply.
Minimum of a year’s experience is preferred.Other Requirements:
Portfolio and Adobe Premier Pro 1.5 knowledge.
Basic video editing knowledge.
Knowledge of canopus procoder software is preferred.
A fast learner in operating editing machines is essential.
Meticulous and ability to perform in a fast-paced, deadline driven environment.
Expected to work long hours when required.
Interested applicants, please forward your detailed resume to:

Vacancy at PT AIG Life Insurance

AIG LIFE, one of the largest & progressive joint venture Life Insurance with a solid commitment to human resource excellence, invites suitably qualified professionals who seeking greater challenges to apply for the followings positions :

Campaign Officer
* Male/Female* Minimal S-1 in any major* Minimum 3 years working experience the same position, in life insurance/financial industry.* Proficiency of job skills MS Word, excel and Power Point* Strong communication and negotiation skills* Very strong in relationship building skill and working in team* Strong ability to be creative and willing to take initiative* Marketing oriented* Project management skills are preferable* Ability to work under pressure and multitasking
Investment Department Head (Code: INV)
* BA/BS degree in Finance or Accounting; combination with Management Information System (MIS) is preferred* Min. 2 years working experience in the same position in financial service industry preferred* Must have strong analytical abilities* Strong knowledge of Excell, including macros and file linking* Good understanding of accounting principles is required* Additional computer skills (proficiency in Microsoft Office and Access)* Must be capable of handling several projects at the same time* Must also work well under pressure and be able to interface comfortably with other departments and management professionals.
Business Development Manager (Code: BDM)
* Bachelor degree majoring in Math/Actuary/Marketing* Min. 2 years of experience in related position in Insurance/Financial/Banking industry preferred* Proficient in English* Computer literate* Familiar with numbers* Having excellent communication & presentation skill* Having good project management skill
Send your application letter, CV, copy of transcript, and one recent photograph, affixing the code on the top left of the envelope, to:
Human Resources Department - PT. AIG LIFEMenara Matahari, 6th FloorJl. Bulevar Palem Raya No. 7, Lippo Karawaci 1200Tangerang 15811or send email to:
Expired Date : 21 Juni 2007Job Location : Jakarta


We are a fast growing transportation company with more than 25 years experiences and linked with worldwide world’s top ten principals & partner. With more than 10 subsidiaries, our business has expanded in domestic & overseas area. We offered an integrated total tranportation services included Sea / Air Freight Forwarding, Exhibition Forwarding, Custom Brokerage, Parcel & Courier Service, Trucking, Container Depo, Warehousing Containerized & Breakbulk Shipping, Midstream Transportation.We are looking for some highly dynamic and self-motivated professionals to fill the following positions:
Requirements :
* Male / Female, Max. 30 years old
* Diploma degree any major
* Having min. 1 years experiences as an outdoor sales team in NVOCC / Freight Forwading / Shipping / Cargo / Logistics Company
* Having experiences as a Sales or Marketing in Trading Company are welcome to apply
* Fluent in English
* Outstanding Interpersonal skill with positive Mind Set & Attitude
* Customer oriented, possess basic selling technique, negotiation, and presentation skill
* Live in Bali or willing to be placed in Bali is a must
Please send your application letter, CV, and recent photograph to:
PT. GLOBAL TRANSPORTASI NUSANTARA -BALIJln. Raya Sesetan 200 B Denpasar Bali 80223
or not more than 100 kb)
Expired Date : June 21, 2007Job Location : Bali


We are a multinational company in manufacturing quality stationary products. To cope with our growth and international expansion. We are inviting well-trained high potential professionals to join our operation for the following position :
* Male
* Maximum age 35 years old
* Minimum S1 or DIII degree with 3 years work experience in exim
* Must be fluent in English both spoken and written. (Mandarin is advantage)
* Good computer skills, familiar with MS office word and Excel
* Experience in documentation especially in Export, procedure, freight and cost analisy, monthly report and yearly report ( Import/Export expertise (Rules, Policy, Regulation))
* Have good analytical skill, fast learner, strong personality, tough, strict and energies.
* Able to work under pressure and flesible work hour
Send your CV to :

Expired Date : June 21, 2007Job Location : Surabaya, Jawa Timur


Our Reputed client is looking for suitable applicant to fill the following position:
For more jobs and information about our Company, please visit our website:
Assistant Manager (Petrochemical)
Job Description:
* To handle chartering of liquid chemicals and also monitoring & controlling the tank inventory
* To handle trading & marketing of petrochemicals under the supervision of the Senior Manager
* To oversee the logistics and marketing of petrochemicals under the supervision of Senior Manager
* To supervise admin support staff in documentation work and procedures involved in trade transactions
* To review and analyze financial status of customers and manage credit control
* Must be prepared to travel frequently on Business trips to Asean countries
Job Requirements:
* Degree holder
* Min 3 to 5 years in logistics work and marketing of chemical products
* Need to communicate with clients from China or Taiwan
* Working experience in Japanese company an advantage
* Location: Singapore
Please email cv in Ms word to indicating the following information:
a. Nationalityb. Date of Birth (ddmmyyyy)c. Current & expected salary in Rupiahd. Date of Availabilitye. Racef. Language(s) spoken & writteng. Photo in jpg format

Expired Date : June 21, 2007Job Location : Singapore

Saturday, June 9, 2007


We are one of subsidiary company of YAMAHA CORPORATION JAPAN located in Pasuruan, East Java, that involved in Musical Instrument Manufacturing with a 99% export base to Asia and America, seeking a highly motivated professional to fill in the following challenging position as follow :
Qualification :1. Male2. Max 30 years old3. S1 Chemical / Chemical Engineering4. Understand with K3General Requirement :1. Able to work both team and independent, also underpressure2. Good Communication Skill, Flexible, Dinamic3. Fluent in English both written and spoken4. Experience min a year in the same field or fresh graduate5. Wiling to be located at Pasuruan, Jawa Timur.
Code PD Qualification :1. Male2. Max 30 years old3. S1 Mechanical Engineering / Industrial Engineering4. Familiar with AutocadGeneral Requirement :1. Able to work both team and independent, also underpressure2. Good Communication Skill, Flexible, Dinamic3. Fluent in English both writing.

Lowongan / Vacancy at IBM Indonesia

IBM is leading the on demand era. If you want to work for an organization that responds with flexibility and speed to any customer demand or market opportunity, look no further.
IBM Indonesia recruits best-in-class professionals to deliver best of breed IT solutions and services to its customer.
If you think you are an excellent communicator/negotiator, problem solver, a leader and would like to give impact to IT business, join IBM and see the opportunities that we can offer you!!!

IT Specialist (Code : ITS)

Main Responsibility :
An individual contributor responsible for providing I/T services in a billable project/engagement or providing technical support in a sales organization.

Position Summary :
As a member of a team, performs a technical role in support of the solution construction, implementation, and system integration in a technology/industry specialty or product sales. The I/T Specialist assists in delivery of high quality solutions to clients in response to specific business requirements. Develops technical skills and absorbs professional knowledge quickly. Performs assigned technical tasks including study, analysis, programming, product installation, test and system integration. The I/T Specialist has some specific product-, technology- or industry-related specialized skills and works with proposals, requirements, designs, implementations and production projects/engagements. May use tools to analyze and implement portions of a customer solution.The I/T Specialist provides analytical support necessary to develop and implement solutions for small to medium size projects, or components/elements of larger projects.
Specific Requirements :1. IT Specialist - IBM System-i
* Strong technical skills of IBM system-i /AS400 IBM Server with 1-3 years experiences in handling IBM system-i/AS 400.
IT Specialist - ATM Engineer :
* Have knowledge and experience in handling ATM Machine is preferable.
* University graduate from a reputable university preferable from Electrical Engineering.
* Fresh graduate are welcome to apply
3. IT Specialist - SUN Support :
* Have 1-3 years experiences with excellent knowledge handling SUN Machine.
General Qualifications :
* In depth understanding and is able to apply basic knowledge of information technology and associated tools of their technical specialty to support attainment of team and department objectives.
* Demonstrates required Associate I/T Specialist proficiencies in technical skills which comes from a reputable university (minimum of Bachelor degree) with a technical degree.
* Good teaming and is able to take ownership.
* English literate.
Feel free to drop us your resume in Mswords with the job code as your email subject to :
Please continously visit our employmemt website for wider opportunities

Expired Date : 21 June 2007
Job Location : Jakarta

Vacancy at PT AJ Manulife Indonesia

Manulife Financial is a leading Canadian based services Company operating in 19 countries and territories worldwide. Manulife Indonesia, a subsidiary of Manulife Financial, is one of the largest and strongest financial services companies in Indonesia. With over 112 branches in 33 cities, 5.000 employees and full time agents we offer the widest selection of products of any financial services company including :Individual Insurance, Group Life & Health Insurance, Pensions and Mutual Funds. Our mission is to become the premier provider of financial protection and wealth creation products in Indonesia.
To strengthen the organization, we are therefore inviting energetic, dedicated & high potential talents with the capacity to learn, to join & to build career with us as :

Programmer (code : Programmer – DB)

* Application development and customization* Provide production support* Provide consultation with user* Analyze or design, programming and documentation

* College degree for reputable universities majoring in Information Technology* Must have a strong analytical skill* Minimum 3 years of programming experience* Proficient programming using Oracle Developer (PL/SQL, Form, Report ) with at least 1 year experience* Proficient in oral and written Indonesian and English* Knowledgeable in SDLC* Experience in VB, SQLL, Java Programming and other windows-based client server tools will be advantage
Send your resume to: .Please state job position as Subject in your e-mail .Only short listed candidate will be notified.
PT Asuransi Jiwa Manulife IndonesiaJl. Pegangsaan Timur no.1A – Jakarta 10320, Indonesia

Expired Date : 21 June 2007
Job Location : Jakarta

Vacancy PT Sanden Electronics Indonesia

We are a wire harness assembly company, located in Lobam, Bintan Island, looking for candidates for the following positions and qualifications:

Planning Officer (code: PO)

Engineering Supervisor (code: ES)

Quality Engineering Technician (code: QT)
* Holding an Diploma/S1 degree* Male/Female, Single* Age max 27 years* Minimum Accumulative GPA of 2.75* Graduated in Engineering & Management will be prefer* Familiar with windows application (Microsoft Windows application, Autocad)* Have positive work attitude.* Knowledge to conduct maintenance (for Engineering position)* Able to speak English (oral & written)* Able to speak mandarin/dialect
This is a challenging career prospect and a very competitive remuneration(Salary range : Rp. 1.000.000,- - Rp. 2.000.000,- ) & benefit package will be offered to qualified candidate.
Please enclose your application together with the below document, Application letter (please specify the position applied), Curriculum Vitae, Recent photo, Diploma/S1 certificate, academic transcript & other related documents to:
Email address : to: 0770-696228
Expired Date : 21 June 2007Job
Location : Lobam, Riau


A Reputable local bank and a member of an expanding regional banking group which based in Singapore are looking for the qualified candidates to fill the position :
User System Support Staff (Code : SPC-user)
Responsible to :

* Maintain and manage database which related with user/ password
* Manage administration of letters and forms
* Make weekly and monthly report

Requirements :
* Bachelor Degree from reputable university
* Able to use MS Office application
* Good administrative skills
Please send your detailed resume with recent colorful photograph to :
Divisi Sumber Daya ManusiaPT Bank UOB Buana Tbk.Jl. Gajah Mada No. 1AJakarta Pusat 10130Email :

Expired Date : 21 June 2007Job Location : Jakarta

Friday, June 8, 2007

Lowongan Kerja di ANTV (3 Positions)

antv is a first leading join venture television network in Indonesia with 25 relay station through out the country. Currently antv has been reaching 154 cities and more than 129 million audiences and keep continuing to grow and has committed to deliver world class programs to their audiences.Rally to the challenge, we’re seeking a highly caliber and potential individual to fill the post of :

Marketing Research (Code: MR)
* The position is responsible to data processing on programs, post buy analysis in order to support marketing, sales and programming division. And also customize research for sales and marketing then present the results
* To be the successful candidate, he/she must have min 2 years experience as Marketing Research in TV / Broadcast Industry, hold bachelor degree ( S1 ) and fluent in English. More over, he/she must comprehends Arianna Software, Math Logic, SPSS, understands market share. Possess strong methodological and analytical thinking, interpersonal and communication skill would be a minimum acceptable qualifications.

Executive Secretary (Code: ES)
* The position is responsible to manage and conduct administrative and secretarial work for Chief Executive Officer and assist him/her in daily operational by facilitating coordination with all departments
* To be the successful candidate, he/she must have min 2 years experience as Secretary in multinational company, preferably handling expatriates, held a Diploma ( D3 ) or Bachelor degree ( S1 ) and fluent in English.* More over, she must be punctual, quick, and possess charming personality.* Having good initiative, interpersonal and communication skill would be a minimum acceptable qualifications

Accounting Manager (Code: AM)
* The position is responsible to plan, coordinate, manage, record, and report Corporate financial activities to gain/achieve effective and efficient cash flow for optimum financial
* To be the successful candidate, he/she must have minimum 7 years experiences within multinational company or highly reputable local company.* Hold bachelor degree ( S1 ) and fluent in English. More over, he/she must be mastering Accounting area, possess strong leadership and analytical capabilities, and also highly motivated to overcome challenges .* Good interpersonal and communication skill would be a minimum acceptable qualifications.
Should you are interested, please submit your comprehensive resume attached with recent photograph via e-mail to:
And put the Code (MR/ES/AM) in the e-mail subject

Expired Date : 26 Juni 2007
Job Location : Jakarta


We, a listed company engage in sea transportation services and other shipping related business, due to rapid growth of our business we are now looking for motivated and qualified individual to fill the following position:
* Male / Female, S1/ Degree majoring in Accounting.
* Fluent in English both oral and written.
* Having tax certificate of Brevet A & B.
* Having good knowledge in accounting application.
* Excellent communication and interpersonal skill.
* Computer Literate
Interested candidates are encouraged to send application letter & CV along with a recent photograph not later than 2 (two) weeks
Please indicate the position code you are applying for in the subject of your email.Only short listed candidates will be notified.

Expired Date : 20 Juni 2007Job Location : Jakarta

Lowongan : Application Developer at PT STAR

Mobile VAS Recruitment PT STAR is a leading multi-national mobile application service provider connecting to 500 mobile networks, supporting thousands of developers and distributors worldwide. We have been continually involved in designing and developing wireless applications and world class multimedia platform. We operate globally through provide low cost, high quality, easy to use, flexible and powerful value-added solutions specifically for clients to improve business processes effectiveness and efficiency as well as enhance customer satisfaction. Our mobile content and services offerings are based on popular mobile messaging and internet technologies such as Short Messaging Service (SMS), Enhanced Messaging Service (EMS), Nokia Smart Messaging, Multimedia Messaging Service (MMS), Wireless Application Protocol (WAP) and Java 2 Micro Edition (J2ME). Our application technologies support current and future network technologies such as Global System for Mobile Communication (GSM), General Packet Radio Service (GPRS) and Third Generation technologies (3G).

Tuesday, June 5, 2007

Sampoerna National Graduate in Management Scholarship Program 2008-2009

Sampoerna Foundation OverviewSampoerna
Foundation was established in March 2001 in response to theurgent need to improve the quality of education in Indonesia. Amidsevere budgetary cuts to education due to the prolonged economic crisis,its founders realized the importance of private sector institutionsfilling the gap in those educational areas critical to Indonesia'sdevelopment.
Sampoerna Foundation National Graduate in Management Scholarship ProgramThe Sampoerna Foundation National Graduate in Management ScholarshipProgram is a mean to groom Indonesia's future business leaders.Sampoerna Foundation provides a full scholarship package to a maximum of10 (ten) outstanding young Indonesians who demonstrate excellentacademic, professional, personal and leadership qualities to pursueMagister Management or Master of Business Administration degree atleading business schools in Indonesia as recommended by SampoernaFoundation.
Application deadline is June 30, 2007. Applications should be submittedas early as possible.
Basic Requirements:
* Indonesian citizen, under 30 years old * Hold a local Bachelordegree in any discipline with a minimum GPA of 3.00 * Have a minimumof 2 year full-time professional work experience after completion ofundergraduate degree * Have a valid proof of TPA (Tes PotensiAkademik) of 550 and Institutional TOEFL score of 550 * Do not holda Master's degree/equivalent, and not enrolled in graduate orpost-graduate program * Not graduated from an overseas tertiaryinstitution, unless it was on a full scholarship * Not in receipt ofanother equivalent award or scholarship offering similar or otherbenefits at the time of the award * Demonstrate they are fromfinancially disadvantaged family and without the scholarship, are notable to study for a graduate program.
The scholarship covers:
· University application fee reimbursement
· ITP TOEFL and TPA reimbursement· Tuition Fees
· Living allowance
· Book and internet allowance
· Research / thesis allowance
· Graduation feeList of Universities
· Bandung Institute of Technology, Bandung
MBA Program, School of Business andManagement
Jl. Gelap Nyawang No. 1, Bandung 40132Tel. 022- 2504308 / 2534255
· Gadjah Mada University, Yogyakarta
Magister Management Program
Jl. Teknika Utara, Yogyakarta 55281Tel. 0274-511035-6, 515536, 562222·
Indonesian Institute for Management Development, Jakarta
Magister Management Program IPMI Building
Jl. Rawajati Timur I/1, Kalibata, Jakarta 12750 Tel. 021-7970419
Prasetiya Mulya Business School, Jakarta
Magister Management Program
Jl. R.A. Kartini, Cilandak Barat, Jakarta 12430Tel. 021-7511126, 7500463, 7657257·
Padjadjaran University, Bandung
Magister Management Program
Jl. Dipati Ukur 35, Bandung 40132Tel. 022-2509585, 2513168, 2534389


Company Description :

Concord Review Indonesia ( is looking for a news writer
If you are :
  • A bachelor, preferably from social sciences
  • Excellent in English, especially in writing and conversation
  • Able to use windows-based office computer application programs
  • Able to work fast and accurately to tight deadlines
  • Disciplined, spirited, able to work as a team, responsive, adaptive and tough
  • Eager to learn and a fast learner
  • Able and willing to work nightshift, on weekends and holidays

Then, submit :

  • An application letter
  • Curriculum vitae (without copy of certificates)
  • A paragraph of why we should hire you

to : Concord Consulting – Information Management Division

Graha Simatupang Tower 2C-2D, 6th floor

Jl. TB. Simatupang Kav. 38 Jakarta 12540.

Write “News Writer” on the top right of the envelope. If you have applied for the position, please do not submit your application again.

We only process the application received not later than june 15, 2007.


Company Description

An exciting and challenging opportunity in Coca-Cola Bottling Indonesia (CCBI) National Office is now exist and waiting for the right candidate.
In the position of Executive Secretary you will personally assist and work directly with President Director in handling all secretarial duties :
  • Providing the highest level of admininistrative services to President Director
  • Scheduling internal and external meetings and appointments, including venue arrangements
  • Maintaining President Director's calendar
  • Planning, developing and implementing filing system for President Director so as to ensure simple access to required documents
  • Organizing President Director's expense claim, cash advances, and bank matters in liaison with account payable
  • Coordinating and arranging President Director's visitors and personal guests
    Taking minutes in any meetings required
  • Concepting external business correspondences and internal memos and announcements
  • Screening all incoming letters, papers and documents to device urgency, function, and needs
  • Liaison with Human Resources particularly in relation with departmental personnel and recruitment requirements
  • Liaison with legal function in updating all expatriates papers such as passport, KIMS, license, etc
  • Taking care of travel arrangement for President Director, both domestic and overseas trips
  • Providing itinerary for President Director's business travel for further distribution to the related function

So as to be well-performed in this position you are expected to have the following qualifications :

  • Hold a Bachelor or Diploma (D3) Degree from Secretarial Academy
  • A minimal of five (5) years experience as an Executive Secretary, sufficient exposures in maintaining direct reporting to expatriates would be deemed as a significant plus
  • Demonstrate advanced verbal and written English communication skills
  • Excellent interpersonal skill and conscientious team worker
  • Computer literate on MS Word, Excel, and PowerPoint
  • Full of initiative, used to work with a minimal supervision

Interested candidates are required to send the application letter together with CV and recent photograph, not later than 2 (two) weeks to :

Candidates will short-listed for interview


Company Description

Global Assistance and Healthcare, a well-established international medical assistance provider to the Insurance, Oil and Gas, Mining and other corporate sector is inviting highly motivated individuals to fill in the position of :

Job Description :
  • Female
  • Has completed secretarial qualification with minimum 2 years experience
  • Age between 23-30 years old
  • Highly proficient in English (oral and written)
  • Familiar with MS Office applications such as Word, Excel and Power Point
  • Honest
  • Good interpersonal skills
  • Independent and well organized

Should you interest in the above positions, please send your application including resume and contact number to :


All applications will be treated strictly confidential and only short-listed candidates will be notified for interview.


A Multi-Finance company, 85% owned by International Factors (Singapore) Ltd. , a publicly listed company in the Singapore Stock Exchange since 1993, is looking for qualified dynamic, hardworking and proactive professional to fill the following positions :
  • S1 Degree in Business/Finance from reputable University with minimum GPA 2.75
  • Minimum 3 years in multi finance or banking company (both Factoring and Leasing) experience
  • Strong marketing contacts particularly in SMEs companies
  • Fluency in English both oral and written
  • Strong analytical skill
  • Good interpersonal skill

Interested applicants, please post/email your full application letter and resume not later than 2 weeks from this Advertisement to :
E-mail :


Company Description :
We are one of the Largest Financial & Investment Company in Indonesia , with solid Commitment to human resources, our expansion open up opportunity to suitably qualified professional who are seeking greater challenges in live.Join our Team for the following position :


  • Male/ Female
  • S1/S2 from any background (overseas graduate will be preffered)
  • Age between 25 - 35 years old
  • Have a 2 years working experience
  • Have a pleasant personality and good communication skill
  • Advanced Marketing skill

Please submit your Application Letter,CV and recent photo to :email :

NOTE : please put code BDM/06/JKT on email subject



Our Clients need some dynamic persons to fulfill their requirements
  • Female
  • University Graduate in business or Technical (S1, Preferable from Electrical Engineering)
  • Experience at least 5 years in managerial position, preferably in Marketing/ Sales of Industrial goods
  • Preferably able to speak in English and Mandarin


  • Handling daily activities in distributor and free market, included inquiry, purchase order, delivery etc.
  • Coordinating all received order to related department in the company

Please send your apllication by email to: Only short and qualified candidates will be notified

Lowongan Finance Accounting Supervisor

URGENTLY REQUIRED!!!One of the leading producers of high quality Polyester Filament Yarn (PFY) and PET Resin located in Tangerang Banten is looking for high qualified candidates to fill in the positions as follows :1. FINANCE SUPERVISOR (Code : FINANCE)Requirements:· Candidate must possess a Bachelor’s Degree or Master’s Degree in Finance/Accountancy/Banking or equivalent.

PT. Fircroft Indonesia; TENDER MANAGER

PT. Fircroft Indonesia is the latest business unit of one of the world’s largest oil and gas manpower management and recruitment organisations. The company specialises in contract labour outsourcing and recruitment activities on behalf of key global clients. PT. Fircroft Indonesia requires an experienced Tender Manager to enable the company to successfully bid for oil and gas tenders and susequently participate in major contracts. We are ideally looking for an expatriate currently resident in Indonesia but would consider a suitably qualified and experienced local candidate. Based in Jakarta the position is intended as a 6-12 month contract and the successful candidate shall report to the regional manager in Bangkok.


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